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MS Access Consulting

Are you currently using MS Access? Do any of these problems sound familiar to you? Are you having any of the following problems with Ms Access?

  • Slow and/or crashing
  • Crashing and Data corruption
  • Exceeding Database Size Limits
  • Growing Workflow Complexity
  • Lack of Industry/Regulatory Compliance

PCApps can help and how.

If you’re having any or all of these issues with Ms Access, PCApps can help by migrating your Ms access data to the industry standard Ms SQL Server. Read below to find out how this process helps solve some of these issues…


A Unique Migration Process

Step 1 is Stabilize

Phase 1 is to migrate your Ms Access data to the industry standard Microsoft SQL Server, and then connect it to your existing Ms Access User Interface.

This solves immediate issues like data corruption and significantly improves speed & performance.

Step 2 is Future-Proof

Phase 2 is to rewrite the Ms Access Front-End as a proper .NET Smart Client and/or Web/Mobile application. This takes significantly more time and effort than the first phase, but yields far better speed, functionality, scalability, and expandability.

This improves your data tools in every way and prevents expensive future problems.


Robust Internet Connectivity

MS Access and The Internet

MS Access applications are not designed to be exposed to the Internet. Workarounds are available to “Internet Enable” an MS Access application (Citrix or VPN with Remote Desktop are common), but these approaches provide poor performance, are expensive to build and maintain, and only serve to place additional multi-user burden on the application.

MS Access is Not Designed For Internet Connectivity

How can PCApps help?

PCApps can move your MS Access application onto SQL Server and the .NET Technology stack. These tools were built from the ground up to be used with the internet.

Seamless & responsive user experience no matter where you are in the world.



MS Access Security

MS Excel and MS Access can only be protected by two things: a password, and the operating system itself. History shows that these 2 things are not sufficient, especially as cyberthreats continue to become more ubiquitous.

Modern Security

PCApps has 30 years of experience tackling security problems and effectively applying state-of-the-art security at every level using SQL Server and the .NET stack to protect data systems from small and medium-sized companies to Fortune 500 companies.

No matter the size of your company, our tech stack and technical expertise can protect your data and systems.