How does PCApps Help you?
Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases (KDD), Smart Databases and Intelligent Databases are also examples of Data Mining. Hence, you cannot ignore it.
By combining techniques such as OLAP, Cubes, and Pivot Tables, PCApps creates actionable results for business initiatives. In order to accomplish this, we use advanced algorithms such as Naive Baysian, Microsoft Clustering, and Neural Networks.
Almost all of the data mining projects that we work on are based on SQL Server relational databases. However, we do not require it. Data Mining Solutions are primarily provided by our Data Mining Consultants using Microsoft Business Intelligence tools included in SQL Server.

What Is Data Mining?
A “Data Mining” effort often refers to a wide range of methods, including artificial intelligence, CIA or FBI analysis of terrorist attacks, or a person manually sifting through tables of cryptic stats. Our Data Mining Consultant Services are a set of services focused on finding hidden patterns within data through data mining
Integrated with Analysis Services, OLAP, Integration Services, and Reporting Services, SQL Server Data Mining is part of the SQL Server Business Intelligence (BI) platform. As the most widely deployed data mining server in the industry today, it makes it a desirable platform for data mining consultants in order to address the needs of any type of data mining project.

Our Potential Clients
Our data mining is largely based on commercial and custom business applications like Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). We also use insurance software, financial software, and web logs as sources of underlying data. SQL Server Data Mining