SQL Server Optimization Audit
SQL database improvements and will identify any design and implementation issues that are impediments to your database application.
- SQL Server Query Tuning / Optimization
- SQL Server Index Tuning / Optimization
- SQL Server Execution Plan Tuning / Optimization
- Data and Structural Integrity Problems

SQL Server Performance Audits
Our professional SQL Server Audit Service reports problems and suggests solutions associated with:
- SQL Server Query Tuning / Optimization
- SQL Server Index Tuning / Optimization
- SQL Server Execution Plan Tuning / Optimization
- Overall Database Performance
- Data and Structural Integrity Problems
- Maintenance Issues
- Best Practices
Let Practical Computer Applications (PCApps) perform an engineering audit. Our SQL Server Engineering team will perform a thorough assessment of your SQL Server database for SQL database improvements and will identify any design and implementation issues that are impediments to your database application. Then, we recommend the appropriate remedial engineering techniques necessary for a stable, high performance SQL system that is more cost-effective to maintain and extend.
The PCApps SQL Audit methodology checks your entire database, for elements that we have known to cause problems in the past.
EXAMPLE CHART: Database Reads Vs Writes For Each Database Index
Below, we have provided an example of a chart used to highlight many problems with an existing database index design. All the indexes in the system are plotted as bubbles and show labels when you hover over the bubble. The x-axis shows the # of database reads, and the y-axis on # of writes (database updates). The axes are log-based, and we’ve put a multiplier of 10 on reads to give a “benefit of the doubt” to occasionally read tables. Those indexes in red above the diagonal are generally speaking “bad” with a lot of writing going on, and with few reads, while those in green below the line are “good”. Darker green is better, darker red is worse. The size of the bubbles indicates the size of the index
SQL Audit Example Database Reads vs Writes for each Database Index. If you’d like this type of insight into your database performance contact PCApps.
Audit Scope
The scope of the Engineering audit is the database configuration, data structures, indexes, procedures, and dynamic performance. It looks at the performance characteristics, integrity characteristics, maintainability, standards and best practices of the SQL Server Database and from this information, we can formulate recommendations for many configurations and Index changes, and will point to areas that need improvement at the code level.