Solutions For Importing Application Data: Importing Excel Data Into A Ms Access Database

We have imported hundreds of highly-customized Excel-based data management systems into well-formed Ms Access and SQL Server / .NET Smart Client solutions. The key to successfully importing Excel data to Access and SQL Server is to maintain the original business and functional intent of the Excel data system, while also taking full advantage of the relational information model and workflow advantages that a well-designed Ms Access database and SQL Server database can offer.

Import Excel Data Into A Access Databases

As Excel database spreadsheets get used more often and by more people in the organization, they tend to grow in weight, scope and complexity. Excel Database Spreadsheets also grow critical to more people’s day-to-day business operations. The low cost, ease-of-use and flexibility that are Excel’s strength now becomes a burden. Reconciling different spreadsheet versions, Importing Excel Data or Exporting Excel Data, copying & pasting data into Ms Access Databases, repairing errors, an inability to derive meaningful information, etc. are all too common challenges. This is the time to convert Excel and import Excel data to Access databases.

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Businesses rely on us to help them successfully import data from Excel to Access Database Applications and bring data integrity and usability to the next level. It’s critical that the Excel to Ms Access import preserves the original business intent of the Excel spreadsheet, provide a platform for stable and repeatable business information flow, and eliminate the costs and complexities inherent to many multi-user Excel Database applications.

Databases such as Ms Access provide a more structured approach for managing critical business data than is possible with an Excel spreadsheet or Excel Database. Ms Access databases provide for larger quantities of data, but also provides more highly structured applications. The good news is that we can import your data from Excel to Access. While keeping the Excel spreadsheet-like functionality intact when we import your data from Microsoft Excel to Access databases, we can also simplify your complex Excel application.

Import Excel To Ms Access / Export Excel To Ms Access

We will import or export data from Excel to Access in a way that preserves your valuable Excel Data model. We can also build routines that automatically export data from Access to Excel.

Once data from an Excel application has been imported from an Excel database spreadsheet to an Ms Access Database, the Ms Access data can still be viewed and analyzed in Excel but the input, and equations, and data manipulation become part of a structured, well-defined Ms Access database application, which provide for improved data entry consistency, improved versioning as new functions get added, and provides Users with an easier, more straightforward structured user interface.

Case Studies


Cambridge Energy Research Associates, Inc. (CERA), an IHS company, is a leading adviser to international energy companies, governments, financial institutions, and technology providers. CERA delivers critical knowledge and independent analysis on energy markets, geopolitics, industry trends, and strategy.

We designed and developed a custom Liquid Natural Gas Sourcing and Pricing Analytics application that allows CERA analysts to provide comprehensive LNG Value Chain analytics to their customers worldwide. The solution incorporates a Smart Client application for CERA Analysts to manage data, integrated with an ASP.Net website and IHS Active Directory.