Standalone Ms Access Application

Ms Access applications are constructed around a single MDB file that contains both the front-end User Interface Forms, Queries, code, etc., and the back-end datastore component (Jet Engine). This is how Ms Access is configured out-of-the-box (absent a design decision, this is what you will get). The default Ms Access configuration is perfectly suitable for small work groups in a LAN environment, provided you do not exceed one or more built-in limitations of Ms Access.

It is quite common for an Ms Access application to begin life as a single user productivity tool, and, as more and more people see the benefit of using the application, morph over time into a multi-user application. Real problems start to occur when an Ms Access application that was originally designed for a small set of users grows in the number of users, complexity of the application, and size of the Ms Access datastore.

Standalone Ms Access Application Scorecard

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Standalone Ms Access Scorecard 2

Supporting Multiple Users With Standalone Ms Access Application

A Standalone Ms Access Application is particularly difficult to maintain in multi-user environments. Data is frequently lost or overwritten, application updates are difficult to deploy, and security is limited to protecting only well-intentioned users from harming the Ms Access application.  In addition, new multi-user class capabilities will become necessary even if they were unnecessary or irrelevant to the original design of the Ms Access application.

Providing Internet Access To A Standalone Ms Access Application

A very common multi-user workaround for a Standalone Ms Access application is to provide remote user access to the application via Citrix, Terminal Services, etc. While this does solve the immediate multi-user deployment need, it does not address problems inherent to sharing a single-user designed Ms Access application. Over time, this workaround will only exacerbate problems, and force a decision to upsize the Ms Access application to a more appropriate multi-user configuration.

Read about Converting MS Access to SQL Server to solve these issues or contact Practical Computer Applications (PCApps) directly at 877-843-3405.