Data Mining Consulting Services

Practical Computer Applications (PCApps) is a data mining company providing consulting services utilizing Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SASS) Data Mining tools, available on the SQL Server Business Intelligence (BI) platform. Much of the underlying data comes from custom databases and off-the-shelf business software such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP/MRP) applications, along with mining data from insurance software, mining data from financial software, and mining data from web log data.

Our data mining services include working with company executives involved in strategic and tactical decision making as well as line-of-business managers responsible for cost reduction initiatives. Marketing managers use our business data mining consulting services to gain insights on competitive intelligence, to explore untapped customer and market opportunities, to support product and service positioning and pricing decisions, and to perform detailed marketing campaign analysis. Sales and customer service managers who are responsible for tactical decision making use data mining to support sales forecasting, direct marketing, and customer acquisition, retention and extension (cross/up-sell) purposes. Operational managers use data mining to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in complex supply chain, production and distribution networks.

Here is a snapshot of a dashboard. Visit our interactive dashboards demo.

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Data mining is the process of analyzing data to find hidden patterns using technologies such as OLAP, data cubes, pivot tables, and advanced algorithms such as Bayesian, Microsoft Clustering, and Neural Networks. Data mining solutions become business intelligence data mining (BI) when the new information is detected with data mining and successfully applied to become actionable business intelligence. Data mining companies also referred to data mining as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), Smart Databases, Intelligent Databases, and Predictive Analytics.