Total Cost Of Ownership (TCO)
Comparing PCApps Vs. Your Alternatives
When comparing PCApps against other alternatives you may have available, it is important you understand the different economics, the risks involved, and of course the quality of results that you can expect.
Click on the links or images above to see a high-level comparison of what you can expect when engaging PCApps vs. licensing a commercially-available software package, outsourcing to offshore services, or using in-house developers — in terms of cost, risk, time-to-market, and quality of results.
Important Questions
- What is this really going to cost me?
- How long is this really going to take?
- What are the business risks that I need to consider?
- Are there any hidden costs I need to be aware of?
- What is the quality that I can expect?
- Am I overlooking any important application capabilities?
- What is this application going to cost me to own and maintain?