Indra Sugianto

Indra Sugianto PCA Headshot
Indra Sugianto PCA Headshot

Indra Sugianto joined PCApps in 1999, and is responsible for managing client projects within manufacturing, health care, automotive and financial services industries. He is heavily involved with gathering and assessing business requirements and recommending appropriate solutions to client needs. He is expert in business process optimization, database modeling and UI design domains.  Mr. Sugianto’s project management and leadership skills, combined with deep technical acumen, attention to detail and professional integrity, continue to exceed PCApps clients’ needs and expectations.

Mr. Sugianto earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia and M.A. in Computer Science from Boston University. Indra was named a Partner at PCApps in 2010.

PCApps is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with an impressive list of satisfied Clients represent a broad range of data- and process-intensive industries.

Since 1992, Practical Computer Applications (PCApps) has built cost-effective, high-quality, custom databases that run core business operations for leading enterprises, from Fortune 500 global corporations to privately-held start-ups.